Not only did my father and I want to travel to this very famous religious spot, Fatima. But, we also got many requests from my mom and grandma as well, asking us to send them home some holy water. (The package has been sent, so look for it in the mail!)

Click here to read the story of the lady of Fatima.

It took us an hour and a half to get from Lisbon, to Fatima and when we got off the bus, we didn't know where to go. We followed all the people who exited our bus and like we were on a pilgrimage, we all walked together until the courtyard opened up before us and the gilded church shot up through the sky.

Along the sides of the church, there were beautiful plaques for the twelve stations of the cross, and the three graves for each of the shepherds.

At the front, Our Lady of Fatima stood modest in front of her many admirers. A large painting and beautiful carving looming behind her.

After the church, we walked to the fountain in the middle of the courtyard and filled up our water bottle with the healing water of Fatima. In the courtyard there was a large gathering of people chanting and singing the rosary, so we joined them. When we were all finished we purchased a candle and lit one for our loved ones and offered prayers for health and a safe trip.

Budget for the day (in Euros)

Hostel ------------------------ 22,00
Ice cream --------------------- 3,60
Wine --------------------------- 3,00
Water/Fruit ------------------- 0,86
Journal ------------------------ 6,95

Total -------------------------- 36,41


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